Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Be Festive and Exotic as you Decorate this Year


To DECORATE or not DECORATE is really not the question. The question is, how much should you DECORATE?   The answer to that question is, DECORATE as much or as little as you want.  Which parts of the holiday DECORATIONS do you enjoy the most?  Perhaps you only want to drink out of holiday coffee mugs and let the rest go.  Or perhaps you feel like it won’t be the holiday with out a Christmas tree.  Maybe you want to go all out with the DECORATION spirit and have the house lit up with outdoor lights and outdoor yard festivities, while making every room in your home a holiday wonderland.  People who live to DECORATE for the holiday season may find that the desire diminishes over time and there is nothing wrong with that. To everything there is a season and as our lives change so do our desires and goals.  It is important to stay aware of your holiday stress and DECORATE according to your stress level.  If you are becoming grumpy and agitated about DECORATING then you have taken on too much.  Back off a bit and ask yourself, “Which DECORATIONS are really necessary this year?”  You are not a holiday scrooge if you don’t DECORATE like your neighbors do.  You are only a holiday scrooge if you don’t choose to participate in any of the festivities of the season.  It doesn’t matter what your religious beliefs are, holidays are for celebrating the festival of life. DECORATING is just one way of doing just exactly that.

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