GRACE is considered a root word to GRACEFUL and GRACIOUSNESS. Also, from a Christian perspective GRACE is a
theological word that implies God’s love and acceptance of you just the way you
are, not holding you in judgment for your normal humanity. As the TWENTY-MINUE COACH, I would like you
to practice more of the theological word GRACE toward yourself, releasing your
judgment and criticism of yourself for being human. You are going to screw-up and make mistakes. Some of those mistakes are going to be huge and
others annoying. Either way, nothing is
therapeutic about beating yourself up with emotional negativity that berates
you and betrays you. When you put yourself, you are practicing self-betrayal.
Stop and think about that. Those hurt
feelings and broken heart by those who have hurt you in the past is no
different than the pain and anguish you cause your own soul by the emotional
abuse you dish out everyday at yourself.
GRACE, personal GRACIOUSNESS toward yourself is what you need. The simple words, “I forgive myself
for________,” are helpful and healing words to break the monotony of the
negative drone in your head. GRACE is an
action and a movement of positive energy that allows life to flow beautifully
and look regal. Practice being regal and
asserting a sense of confidence about your life and let GRACE flow from your
body as well as from your mouth and heart.
GRACIOUSNESS is needed to co-exist with you and with others. Be Gracious today.
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