Sunday, September 28, 2014



XANADU is a place of great beauty. XANADU is the name of Kublai Khan’s summer home in South East Mongolia.  Where is your XANADU?  In many of the previous blogs, the Twenty-Minute Coach has spoken about the need to have a special place in your home that makes you want to be in that space.  XANADU is a perfect name for that space.  XANADU goes beyond ordinary beauty and speaks of luxury.  Part of this A-Z process is to provide you with motivation to take care of yourself in very positive and enriching ways. The last “E” word was exquisite.  XANADU speaks to the luxury of EXQUISITE and is a definitive space and place.  Create your XANADU place.  Perhaps, you don’t even know how to start decorating a place of XANADU in your home and maybe you feel too overwhelmed to start.  First, make a decision you deserve XANADU.  Second, choose a space in your home (or outside garden area) that you want to transform.  Once you decide where XANADU will be created then ask, “What do I really want in that space?”  Do I want a comfy chair, where I can read and meditate?”  How about lighting?   Proper light is necessary to lift your spirit.  What colors do you want in your space?  And what art-work do you want on the walls?  Next take a look at Pin Interest, decorating magazines or websites.  Pull some pictures together that represent XANADU to you and sit with them for a couple of weeks while your ideas begin to take XANADU form.  Enjoy.

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