Sunday, November 2, 2014


GHOST is a perfect word for this time of the year.  GHOSTS for example are a permanent fixture for Halloween traditions.  Or perhaps you prefer the hotels believing to have GHOST who live and visit the guest during his/her hotel stay.  I don’t know what you believe about GHOSTS, but I do know you have a GHOST. 

Play this game with yourself by making a list of your grandparents, parents, and siblings.  Then choose two words to define each of those people.  Next, answer this question for each family member, “what is your mother’s message to you about you?”  Answer that question for each person on your list.  Perhaps your dad’s message to you is something like, “you will never amount to anything.”  Now, remind yourself how often you play that message back to yourself throughout the day.  Ah-ha, you have discovered one of the GHOSTS in your life.  This GHOST shows up at work, in your parenting, in your finances, and in your relationships.  There are many other GHOSTLY messages in your life that haunt you.  Some of those messages you have never told to anyone and have probably become so used to hearing it, you may not even notice it anymore.  Writing your family genogram, just like above, will help you identify the GHOST in your life.  Other bad memories from childhood scenes at school, church, or a friend’s house can also haunt you like a GHOST; popping out of nowhere when you least expect it.  Become a GHOST buster in your personal life and get rid of those unnecessary and scary messages of your past.

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