Thursday, December 4, 2014


Employ and Delicate some Help This Holiday Season

There are several lessons that we can learn from Santa’s ELVES. They do not wait until the last minute to prepare for the holiday season; they work hard all year long making toys that Santa will deliver across the world on Christmas Eve.  The ELVES make an abundance of toys, so as the children’s Christmas list come in, the ELVES can quickly fill children’s orders and wrap them so that Santa’s sleigh is full on Christmas Eve. By Christmas Eve everything is complete and only the fun and delight of delivery waits. How many ELVES do you have helping you this year with the holiday?  It is more fun to decorate, bake, cook, shop and wrap if you have some ELVES to help you along the way.  It is also less stressful if you plan all year long what Christmas gifts you are going to purchase. You can even wrap them as they are purchased.  Santa can’t do it all by himself and you should not have to either.  ELVES flourish in a community rather than staying isolated and task orientated.  They have fun while they work so hard.  They feel a sense of importance and valuable to Santa.  Make your ELVES feel this way too.  Then of course, since 2005, we have become familiar with the ELF on the Shelf.  This ELF is so very important because he goes back to the North Pole every night to report to Santa as whether you have been naughty or nice.  Use this ELF to build personal responsibility in your homes, helping all family members get into to positive energy of the holiday season.

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