Monday, January 13, 2014

Your Life A-Z KINDLE



No,  I am  not speaking of the Amazon Reading App!   Even thought that is a great app and has clearly fed my book addiction,  I am speaking of the old-time word KINDLE.  The word means to ignite. Think about the words we have been using, such as aware, develop, interest.  Now, on this eleventh day of the New Year, how are you doing?  Where in your life do you need to light a fire, ignite an old dream, desire, or idea?  What is it that you have been dreading, putting off?  I invite you to choose one thing you have been procrastinating about and put it on top of your to do list.  Light a fire under it and get it done.  You will feel so much better and it will be out of the way.  Kindle a desire to enjoy getting stuff out of the way.  Retire the procrastinator in you and hire a "to do" manager.  It is only eleven days into the New Year and you can transform this year into a year of action, vitality, and motivation by kindling your actions into success.  After retiring the procrastinator, drag out an old dream or desire that you felt was too big for you and decide to pursue it just for the fun of it.  Kindle the fire within and live with it burning new life into all of your actions this coming year.  When you find yourself feeling bored or overwhelmed, just ask yourself, "what is it that I need to be kindling?"  

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