Saturday, January 4, 2014


Well-Developed Nest Building on What The Wasp Started Just Keeps Growing. 


Yes, develop the thoughts and ideas that you have been wondering about.  Build on what already exist and what is working in your life.  Nourish it, like fertilizer on a tree, so it can bloom fully and deeply bringing new life to old works.  You do not have to recreate the wheel.  Examine your life and ask yourself what do you like about what is working?  Then establish a plan to develop those positive things and accentuate them this year.  Create a three-step action plan outlined below to grow, mature, nourish, and enhance the parts of your life that already work well for you. In doing so, you will also enable them to work better.  
If you are not happy with anything in your life, you have fallen into a place of apathy.  In order to move out of apathy, make yourself list three things that are working in your life.  Did you pay your rent or mortgage?  What plan can you develop to make that a positive choice eliciting a positive feeling?  Force yourself to list one positive action you have taken toward change and develop it further.  And lastly, force yourself to write down a desire that you have been ignoring.  List it and develop it.  If you work this Twenty-Minute Coach Your Life A-Z you will discover positive changes blooming for you in a few months. 

Photo: Pam Smead

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