Friday, July 11, 2014




“Live your life as an EXPERIMENT,” says Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche.  That one quote goes along way to reduce stress and prevent procrastination.  An EXPERIMENT is a permission giving word allowing for flexibility and exploration.  The only commitment is to try something different or create something new out of just an idea.  Boredom sets in fast when we are creatures of habit doing the same old life day in and day out.  We grow disgruntled, bored, fatigued, and lethargic with dull routines.  In order to spice up your daily life, EXPERIMENT with all parts of it.  EXPERIMENT with new foods. EXPERIMENT with new colors, breaking out of your clothes and outdated style.  EXPERIMENT with a new hairstyle.  EXPERIMENT with a new activity, such as trying golf, tennis, or biking for the first time.  You do not have to invest or buy in to something and you can certainly quit if you don’t like it.  Remember you are EXPERIMENTING to discover what you like.  The commitment is to EXPERIMENT, not to finish or become proficient at it.  If you do not like it and the EXPERIMENT brings you no joy then by all means toss the EXPERIMENT out the door.  What is it that you have wanted to do?  Try it as an EXPERIMENT and see what comes out of your EXPERIMENT. Nothing ventured –Nothing gained.  EXPERIMENTING brings out a sense of adventure and excitement that cannot be experienced from the coach.  If you are still not convinced, start by EXPERIMENTING with a new recipe and go from there. 

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